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Letter Names: Mm, Ss, Aa, Tt, Cc, Pp, Bb, Ii, Nn, Ff, Ll, Oo, Jj, Kk, Qq, Rr, Uu, Vv, Dd

Sight Words: I, like, the, and, see, a, we, to, away, can, come, big, blue, down, for, find, go, help, here, play, red, run, my, not, one, all, am, are, at, ate, be, new, no, now

Grammar: Pronouns (he, she, we, it, they, I)

Comprehension: Story Structure

Writing: capital letter, finger spacing, Punctuation (period, exclamation point, question mark)


Assessments :


Extra Practice: I-Ready - Practice letter sounds and sounding out 3 letter CVC words. Practice punctuation at the end of a sentence (periods, exclamation marks).


Earth Day / Recycle


Animal Body Coverings


Vocabulary : reduce, reuse, recycle

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Chapter 9: Identify, Describe and Name Two and Three Dimensional Shapes


Objectives: How can you identify, describe and name two dimensional shapes?


Vocabulary: circle, flat shapes, square, shapes, triangle, two dimensional, corners, rectangle, sides


Extra Practice: On the Spot math videos / I-Ready

Social Studies

Objective: Maps and Globes


Vocabulary: north, south, east, west, compass rose, map, globe

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